Verify ownership of your site in Webmaster Tools
Open a browser and navigate to Webmaster Central at
Click Webmaster Tools.
Sign in to Webmaster Tools using a Google account. If you don't have a Google account, click Create an account. A new Google account doesn't mean you'll lose your existing email account with another company. (More information about accounts.)
Click Add a site. Type your site's URL in the box, then click Continue.
Decide the most convenient verification method for you. The Recommended method tab on the verification page shows the method Google thinks will work best. Additional methods are listed on the Alternate methods tab. (More information about verification.)
Bring your site back online if you selected a verification method that requires access to your site, such as HTML meta tag or HTML file.
Click Verify to verify ownership using your selected method. If verification is successful, you'll see a congratulatory screen mentioning that you're a verified owner. You can take your site back offline, but be aware that it will need to be back online in future steps.
Once verified, check that the hacker didn't already verify ownership in Webmaster Tools and make unwanted settings changes.
Navigate to the main Webmaster Tools homepage by clicking the Webmaster Tools logo.
Find your site, then click Manage site.
Click Add or remove users.
Be sure that all users and owners listed are authorized.
Document the email address of any unauthorized user (in case it's helpful in the future), then delete the user from your site. For unauthorized owners, you'll need to both delete the owner and any possible verification tokens, such as a verification metatag on your homepage or a HTML file on your server. (More information.)
Investigate for unwanted settings changes in Webmaster Tools. Click the Gear icon , then click Site Settings to check for possible undesirable changes by the hacker such as a lower Crawl rate (perhaps with the goal to avoid search engine spiders). Also, check that nothing unusual is listed in the section Google Index > Remove URLs or Gear icon > Change of Address.
Determine the nature of the attack
The information in the Message Center and Security Issues in Webmaster Tools can help you determine whether your site was compromised in any of the following ways:
With spammy content that could reduce the quality and relevance of search results.
For phishing purposes.
To distribute malware.
To investigate hacking or malware using Webmaster Tools, complete the following steps:
Navigate to the Webmaster Tools homepage by clicking the Webmaster Tools logo in the upper corner.
Click Messages.
Check if there is are any critical messages from Google regarding whether your site was used for 1) serving spammy pages, text or links, 2) phishing, 3) distributing malware. If you have a phishing notification, please do not delete this message until you have completed the entire recovery process.
Navigate to Security Issues in Webmaster tools.
Sites affected with malware will show a top-level heading of “Malware,” and then categories of malware types, such as “Modified server configuration” or “Error template injection.” In these cases, the hacker may be using your site to infect your visitors with software designed to access confidential information or harm their computers. To find out how to fix this, please continue to Step 5: Assess the damage (malware).
Sites that were hacked to serve spam may display a top-level heading of “Hacked” and then categories hack types, such as “Content injection.” It’s likely the hacker has placed spammy pages, text, or links on your site. To find out how to fix this, please continue to Step 5: Assess the damage (spam).
Sites with a "phishing notification” in Webmaster Tools Message Center may not show any information within Security Issues. By creating phishing pages on your site, the hacker is using your site to obtain users' login, password, or financial details, often by masquerading as a trustworthy site. Since the cleanup for phishing
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